Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas

Christmas is so much more fun with kids! Landon's really starting to get it. He loved seeing Santa this year and both boys enjoyed playing with the Christmas Tree Ornaments.
Waiting to open their first presents
Landon opening his first one
Playing with one of the puzzles
Carly enjoying a nap during all the festivities
Cody opening his first present
Our first attempt at a nice family photo together.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas from Cody

Leaving the Crib

We moved Cody out of the crib so that Carly could have it. She now sleeps in the loft and Cody sleeps on a crib mattress on the floor. He's not doing too bad and enjoys the new found freedom. Running around like a mad man upstairs is super fun for him. So we have to lock the door. Too bad Landon knows how to unlock it. I have only found Cody completely under the bed once. Pictures were of course taken.
Early in the night - Later in the night
First part of the night - Found under the bed later that night

Friday, December 24, 2010

Third Time's a Charm

Going to see Santa is a big deal we found out. When Courtney got into town, we went to the mall only to discover that we weren't going to be able to see Santa before his lunch break so we left. John and I went back the next day only to see a security guard about 5 people in front of us. He was going to be the cut-off for seeing Santa before his lunch break so again, we left. So, in a final attempt, we went even earlier to get in line to see Santa on Christmas Eve. We saw that the line was shorter than it was the day before so we knew we'd get to see him. 2 hours later, we did.
The day we didn't get to see him, we let the boys play on this truck. They didn't know that if you put money in it, it moves. They had enough fun without knowing anyways.
Waiting in line to see Santa.
Although Cody wasn't sure about Santa, he didn't cry! He even gave him a hug afterwards!
Landon telling Santa what he wants. He wanted a coloring book and a candy cane which is exactly what Santa gave him. Santa's the BEST!
Don't kiss Santa Landon!!! Just a hug!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Happy 6th Anniversary

John and I have now been married 6 years! Last year's post, here, was a good rundown of what big events have taken place in our 5 years of marriage. The only big event that took place this year was having another baby! We are a family of 5!
What special things did we have planned for our anniversary? Well, in between having a baby, Thanksgiving, multiple birthdays (John, mine, Cody, and now Carly's birthdays are all in November), and Christmas, we didn't plan anything! We just ordered some pizza and hung out.
Here's to another great year!
The Newest Addition

Friday, December 17, 2010

Carly at 1 month

It has been one whole month since we had Carly! She has rewarded us by sleeping 3-5 hours at a time at night! How thoughtful of her. She has been awake more during the day. She likes to stare off at nothing in particular. Although, if she's under a fan (and it doesn't have to be on) she stares intently at it. After about 15-30 minutes of being awake, she all of a sudden thinks that she's hungry again. She is a vivacious eater. She has reached 10 pounds and I think will be a chunker! So far, she is a pretty good baby. We can only hope that this will continue as any parent would hope.
Landon and Cody have adjusted perfectly to her. For the most part, they still ignore her. Landon only pays attention to her when she's crying in which he'll state, "she's hungry". He will also pet her hair and say "hey, hey, hey" or "shhh, shhh, shhh" imitating what I say to her to try and calm her down. It's quite funny. Cody tried to imitate Landon sometimes when he's trying to calm Carly down. Overall, they are kind to her except for the occasional forgetfulness that she is in fact there on the couch and must not be sat on. That's why I'm usually nearby.
I think most days, Landon is bored because we don't go out nearly as much as we used to. When you went somewhere almost everyday (gym, grocery shopping, the library, friend's houses, lunch, etc.) you get bored at home! I've been trying to take the kids to the park as much as possible.
And that is the first month with 3 kids.
Although Carly has a pacifier in her mouth in one of these pictures, she does not actually take them, just like her brothers.
The boys thought Carly's bows were cute and wanted to try them out themselves. These are one of those pictures they're probably going to get embarrassed about.
Hanging out with Dad

First Snow

It snowed! Not much but enough to get excited about and dress up the kids. It took about 10 minutes to put on the clothes, take pictures, and get all ready and about 5 minutes to want to come back inside. But it was still worth it. This was the first time that they'd ever gone out and played in the snow so pictures were a must!
I took a picture of each boy with his snow bib on and then all dressed up. I thought their snow bibs were just too cute!
If you can't tell, Cody has his hands tucked in to his snow bib.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Still Living After 2 1/2 Weeks

Having a third kid isn't as bad as I thought it would be! Of course, having a great delivery probably helps! The boys have been really good with Carly. They show almost no interest in her so I don't have to worry about them smothering her with their "love". The only thing I have to worry about is having them accidentally sit on her because they forget she's there. Cody has shown a little more interest in Carly. He wants to hold her and rock her and say "oh-OH-oh" to her. Landon will sometimes try to comfort her when she's crying by telling her "it's okay" in a very high-pitched voice and then pet her hair. Such nice boys! Overall, life is good. The boys don't hate Carly and they're getting along well with each other for the most part. Now if only I could get more than 2 1/2 hours of sleep all at once. I know it's going to be a long while before I get to have a night where I sleep all the way through. I dream of that day, and then get woken up by Carly to feed her again.
Since we're not supposed to go out with Carly that much, we have been staying at home most of the time. My first outing was to go grocery shopping with all three kids. The looks I got were priceless! I made the mistake of going on the Wednesday right before Thanksgiving! Do you know how many people are grocery shopping that day? I'd say almost everyone! Thankfully, the kids behaved very well.
For Thanksgiving, we stayed here of course. We went up to my parents' house. I made 2 pies, one apple, the other pumpkin. I decided to try some new recipes from Better Homes and Gardens. I thought they both turned out really well although they took a really long time to make. The boys napped while we ate. Carly was even nice enough to sleep too so John and I had a nice relaxing Thanksgiving dinner. And now, random pictures of the last couple weeks.
Cody likes having his picture taken
Carly looking calm and collected. This girly smiles more than Landon or Cody every did at this age! I'm not sure if that's a sign that she's going to be a super happy kid or if it's just a coincidence.
Cody holding Carly, us trying to get a picture with all 3 kids (so not easy), and Cody "reading" his magazine. He's checking out what he wants for Christmas from Brookstone.