Even though this was like a month ago, here are the pictures from SanDiego.
Here's the temple. Gorgeous!
Landon looks just so cute in his suit!
This is the water fountain that was in the backyard of my new brother-in-law's parent's place (did that make any sense at all?). Scary, huh?
Okay, so this cake has a story. The woman who made it is related to my new brother-in-law. Her other recent cakes she had made? Miley Cyrus' 16th birthday cake!!!! Eveything on the cake is edible. The shells were white chocolate and painted. I brought some back with me because they were so cool.
Edible sand too.
Before we went home, we went out to this place in San Diego where they serve their famous coconut french toast. It was probably so bad for you but it was really good. That's me, my new sister-in-law Becky (the San Francisco wedding), cousin Melinda and her husband Ty, brother-in-law Steve, and John.