Cody turned 1 today! I have a 1 and a 2 year old! How crazy is that?! I can't believe that a year ago, I was getting cut open to have him. It seems like it just happened a couple months ago. that day is still so very fresh in my mind. I remember my water breaking and calling my mom because I didn't know if I was just peeing my pants! I remember bringing Landon to their house. I remember being told that it was an emergency and that I'd need a C-Section right then. I remember thinking it was pretty funny that the nurse was freaking out and I was totally okay. I remember the drugs. Oh what drugs!!! I remember being so loopy! I remember not being able to see him for 4 HOURS after he was born because I was so medicated. I remember finally seeing him and thinking that he looked weird because his head was so perfect. I remember bringing him home and introducing him to Landon. I had 2 sons. I remember thinking it was so crazy that I was a mother of 2 boys!!! It's still crazy to think that I'm a mother of 2 beautiful boys that I love more than anything else in this world (John too!!).
I love all the memories that I have of him and all the more memories that we are going to create! Happy Birthday!
These photos weren't all from his birthday but look how cute he is!!! And look at those baby blues!
The Birthday Cake. I opted to make a traditional cake. Nothing fancy but I guess Landon thought it was amazing!
He was surprisingly very clean eating his cake but really liked it.
Some random but cute pictures of Cody.
Mommy, what are you doing?
This is mostly for my parent-in-laws see him eating the cake. If anyone else is interested in seeing my kid eat cake, knock yourself out!