We had our baby! Carly was born on Wednesday night. She is doing wonderfully and this was the best delivery yet! Her birth story is pretty uneventful (thankfully because we all know how Cody's went) but here it is for those interested. We arrived at the hospital at around 10:30 in the morning. We had a planned an induction since I'd had a c-section previously and her original due date was the 15th. Here's her before picture.
At around 11:30 in the morning, they broke my water and let things ride for a while. Things weren't picking up very quickly, so at 2:30 they gave me pitocin. It was going nicely until about 4:30 when they said, "Let's start getting you ready for your epidural" (meaning extra fluids beforehand), which is when contractions got really tough. An hour later, I got the epidural and was so happy I could have cried! I was so comfortable and could really enjoy the labor. At around 8:30, things really got started and she was born a few minutes later. She had the cord around her neck two times but the doctor safely unwrapped her and she was completely fine. My doctor was amazing and I was glad I could finally deliver with him. Our baby came out looking around with her brows furrowed as if she was confused as to where she was. She didn't cry that much and just kept looking around. Here are some pictures of her and us attempting a family photo which was very difficult.
Here is the famous car seat photo on our way home and some more photos of her. Do you think if we dress her up in more pink, she'll look more like a girl?