Thursday, April 16, 2009

Febrile Seizures

A couple weeks ago Landon was pretty sick. He had a fever on Saturday and ended up having a seizure! It was so freaky. He had a low grade fever all day but after his nap, it was really high. We gave him tylenol and he was acting completely normal. We were trying to get him to lay down and take it easy but he was playing and running around. Towards the evening, he was getting tired and I got him ready for bed while John was gone picking up ice cream for Landon sense we thought he had a sore throat. I was holding Landon on my shoulder when he started "shivering". I thought he was cold so I started wrapping a blanket around him when I took a look at him. It didn't even look like him. Well, I called 911, called John, and tried to make sure that Landon didn't swallow his tongue. Well, I guess febrile seizures are quite common among children ages 0-5 or 6.  Anyways, he was totally fine. We did get diverted to a different hospital because he wasn't coming to as quickly as they would have liked. It was a long night but Landon's fine. So, just so everyone knows, seizures are common when accompanied with a fever and the child is younger than 6. My pediatrician said they shouldn't last longer than 5-10 minutes and they should come around 15-20 minutes after they're seizure. Landon's seizure was a little more concerning because it took about 45 minutes for him to start really tracking people and acting like himself.

So, just in case your child has a seizure, it's "normal". Although if Landon had another one, I'd still probably freak out a little again. But Landon is running amuck! I did take a picture on my iphone in the hospital but I don't know how to download it. We were trying to make him happy because he likes taking pictures so we thought he'd smile. However, it was the most pitiful picture I've ever seen of him! He looks so sad but so cute at the same time!!! Maybe I'll post it if I can get it off my phone.


Andrea Hatch said...

Omigosh!! How scary! I would have totally flipped out! I'm so glad he's doing better, but geez...I don't care how normal that is...that's dramatic!

Parrish Family said...

I don't care what Dr's say... normal or not that would freak me out!!!! I'm glad he is okay and hope he continues to feel better!

Cheryl said...

Scary! I'm so glad he's okay. And I can't imagine responding in any other way than what you did.

BTW--He looks adorable in the suit!

Anonymous said...

So glad he was (and IS) fine. It's ALWAYS scary when it is your own child. Love you all! Grandma Diane

Anonymous said...

Sorry I comment as "Anonymous." I honestly can NOT remember my i.d. and password associated with your blog!! Duh! But I AM Grandma Diane Vranes from CA. I'll always put my name in the comment somehow so you can tell who sent it. :-)

Jessica said...

I'm glad he is doing better. You are amazing.