Saturday, January 7, 2012

Carly's Cute!

I haven't done an update on Carly in a while (since her 12 month update) and I know you're all dying to know what this little cutie is up to! She's getting 2 top molars in very slowly. Her hair is turning into a scraggly mess but I figure if I cut it, it will still turn into a scraggly mess a couple weeks later again. I usually do her hair in pigtails to maintain her hair and to avoid her getting too much food in it. She loves eating. Her favorite might be beans, of any kind! We had ham hock soup the other day and she was grabbing navy beans by the handfull. She has the funniest laughs and fake laughs and even fake coughs if it will make us laugh. She's already got such a sense of humor and it makes us laugh a lot! She's starting to walk a little more. She started "walking" a little after 12 months but after a few falls, she stopped walking much. Just within the last week or so, she's started really picking up the walking.
She's grown out of all her 12 month clothes. :( Even the ones that I've been trying to squeeze her into cause they're just so darn cute! Some of her 12-18 month clothes are too big at the waist. She was tall and skinny in her age group. Just the other day when I was telling the boys it was time to say prayer, this is what she did for the first time.
We love having a little girl. She is very social with people and "makes friends" easily. Her favorite words are Daisy, Mama, ay-yeah (said very quickly), and Piggy. You can thank my dad for Piggy. She "talks" all the time when she's happy and if you're lucky enough, she'll just start babbling at you. She always has a pleasant look on her face, like in her prayer picture. She'll just stare at you like that for a while.

Christmas 2011

I know, I know, I'm super late! It's been almost 3 weeks since Christmas and I have been MIA! We did in fact celebrate Christmas, if you were wondering. We woke up early on Sunday, not to open presents, but to go to 9 o'clock church. I showed up earlier than the family (8) since I was playing 5 of the pieces. Anyone who knows me knows I like my sleep so this was not my ideal way to start Christmas. Not the church part but showing up early to practice with some people. I liked having church on Christmas though! It was really nice to focus on Christ's birth before we got to open presents. I convinced my whole family to come to our sacrament meeting so we were all there together. After church, we went home for a quick change and then to my parents house to open presents. We first opened stockings. Both boys were excited about their new UNDERWEAR! Who knew that underwear could be so exciting! (Landon's pointing to his underwear if that wasn't already implied)
We took a break to eat breakfast. Thankfully, since the boys are still young enough, they didn't mind eating before more presents. Heck, if all they opened was their stockings, they would have thought that was great!
Landon went right away to his easel. I knew he'd love that gift because he's always drawing. John got me a new phone (yes, the 4S) and the Friend's DVD's!! Plus a bluetooth. I got John the Xbox and Kinect (along with a couple games). He was totally surprised. I'd actually wrapped a "present" before Thanksgiving and said that was his. Really, it was just a crockpot I'd found for a good price. He'd been shaking a crockpot for a month! On Black Friday, I went out with a friend and we waited in line at Walmart for the kinect. Thankfully, a shipment came in making the number of units from 32 to 80. I was 47th in line. Then we went over to Target and got the Dance game for a Black Friday deal too. It was a huge success and I was sooooo excited. I had to come home and pretend like it was a bust. So hard to do but so worth it. And now, more pictures.
All throughout opening presents, we'd take pictures and say, "work it. work it. you love it. you hate it. Hate the present hate it! Now your sad about it." Anyways, needless to say, we have some pretty funny photos but just so I don't embarrass other family members (except maybe my mom) here's one of our "working it" pictures. Don't we look awesome!!! :)
One of the other Black Friday deals was this razor/scooter. He's still super timid on it but it's been great for his balance. He was asking tirelessly when he could paint all day on Christmas. The next morning, he got his wish.
And finally, my attempt at a Christmas photo with the kids in front of the tree Christmas morning right before we changed.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Things I've Done

With pinterest, it's so easy just to pin and not do any of the stuff. So, here's some things that are posted on my other blog It's been fun trying new stuff out and getting great ideas.