Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How Far Along?

Today was my first appointment with the doctor. I thought I was about 12-13 weeks along and he said I was more like 13-14 weeks along. He thinks more on the 14 weeks than 13. And I got to hear the heart beat also. Yeah! So I'm already through the first trimester which is exciting. My due date is around Nov. 27ish. It'll probably be around Thanksgiving sometime which is fine with me. I'll be getting an ultrasound to make sure on the exact date this next Monday.


Alyssa said...

Thats so exciting, a Thanksgiving baby!

Tami said...

Nice to get that pesky first trimester out of the way ;) No holiday traveling for you!

Courtney said...

yay! november babies are the best :)

Shane and Michelle said...

hey Tiffany, what an exciting thing to hear the babys heart beat! So glad you had a good appointment and everything is going well for you. I will add you to my blog list!