Friday, November 30, 2012

Pumpkin Patch 2012

So there's this cool pumpkin patch on the westside of town that's pretty awesome. And I mean really awesome because it's FREE! Can't get any better than free! We decided to get some cute "Halloween" pictures there which was amusing in a way. So out of the million or so pictures we took, these were the best ones. To go through all the pictures is a real treat but I'll spare you all the amazingly long post that it would be.
One of our attempts. 2 out of 4 crying, one sorta smiling and another distracted by the hay. 
Getting 2 kids to smile and look in the general direction of the camera is much easier.
Best picture out of the million. We have 2 out of 4 smiling, no one looking at the camera, but no one crying. I'd call that a success!  
They had an awesome corn pit where the kids played the majority of time. Grandpa buried Landon all up in it. It's much cleaner than say, sand!
 This probably would have been a better picture of them all being scarecrows except that the sun was right in their eyes. So this wasn't too bad considering the circumstances!

Nothing big here, it's a slide.


Julie Barnes said...

It is nearly impossible to get a good picture of a group of kids! You did a great job!

Austyn said...

Are you freaking kidding me? You are SO SKINNY. I just looked at those balloon pics. I know, I know, it was hard work, but STILL. If I look 1/3 as good as you after 4 kids I am throwing a massive party. Amazing.

The kids look so cute! Hope you guys are doing well!!
