These couple pictures were taken the Sat. before Thanksgiving. He was having a grand ol' time on the bed. He almost looks like he's modeling. Don't you love his lips in the second pic? He looks like he's sticking them out to make them look bigger.
Landon and Daisy are always playing together. Landon tries to grab her chin hairs. Daisy's really good with Landon. Whenever he grabs her, she just tries to paw him off and licks his hand. I can't wait until he's a little boy and they run around together.
While we were shopping, Landon was with John and he was a rolling Fiend! He really hasn't rolled too much so this was exciting stuff for him. In the first picture, you can see how far he's moved - John placed the toy at Landon's starting point. Landon probably would've gone further, but you can see that the desk halted his progress.
You can't tell but it's snowing. We were having lovely weather up until Thanksgiving. It was in the low 70's/high 60's until the past weekend. We got snow on Black Friday!
He is getting so big! and he is so cute!
He is absolutely adorable! Kindt says he looks like John, but I think hes a perfect little mix! We HAVE to see each other! Kindt might be flying out to San Fran the week before Christmas for work, which means we will be changing our flights, which means we may be staying longer, which means that we might actually be able to hang out for awhile one day! Its hard to believe hes only like a month and a half older than the boys because they seem so small and so far behind compared to Landon! They grow so fast and quickly when they are young its amazing! I hope that you are enjoying being a mommy!
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