Sunday, September 12, 2010

August 2010

Here are just some random pictures within the last month of the boys. Mostly of them sleeping.
Lately Cody has this funny smile when you tell him to smile

Here are some sleeping pictures. I've always thought that the boys sleeping are so cute. And yes, that is Landon wearing the same PJ's multiple nights. He likes to come out to the chair and fall asleep on that many nights of the week.

I just thought Cody's pose was too cute not to take a picture. And Landon woke up while I was taking this picture. Yeah, I let them sleep in their underwear for naptimes. It just looks more comfortable!

In the beginning of August, we were lucky for both of my sisters to visit on different weeks. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures with Courtney and the boys but she was here and she had fun with the boys. They loved having her around! Here are the only pictures I have of Shana with Cody. It was so cute, when we dropped Courtney off at the airport, he was so upset that they had both left. He started crying and saying that he missed Courtney. After he calmed down for a little bit, he said matter-of-factly, "I miss Courtney Shana". He really enjoyed playing with them.

Here was just a cool sunset taken from our backyard. It looked like the sky was on fire! I love Albuquerque sunsets. They're always so pretty and have so much color to them.


Jenna said...

Cute pictures! I love sleeping pics too.

Austyn said...

I am cracking up at Landon sleeping in that chair! It looks so uncomfortable! Looks like a fun summer. Hope you are feeling well!