Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Carly's 6 month

Stop!!! Can't time just stand still? I swear I just had a baby! And now, she's playing with toys, laughing like crazy at her brothers, working a crowd, and soon to be crawling! WHAT?? She's a cutie! I just went to her appointment and she has shrunk! Well, not really but we had to measure her again because my pediatrician said she couldn't have really shrunk like it said. She's, I think, in the 50% for height (see, shrinking from 95%) and she's 10% for weight. She has seemed toslow down in the growing department. She was only a whopping 14 pounds and at her last appointment she was 13.8 pounds.
She has been teething this last month like crazy. I actually think that there may be teeth coming in actually soon! I'm thinking this month it's finally her month to get teeth. She's starting to really play with her toys. Well, that means, sticking them in her mouth to chew on them. She LOVES her brothers and laughs at them all the time. She's sleeping better during the day and pretty much sleeps only in her crib and in the car seat while she's in the car. She loves to sleep on her side and she "talks" a lot. I love having alittle girl to dress up. I sometimes take more time figuring out what she's going to wear than I take for myself! I have to make sure her bow matches!


Jenna said...

Love the smiles! She is adorable!

Sam said...

After a while both of my girls slowed down in the growth department. It's okay to have small babies though, it makes them seem younger longer.

Julie Barnes said...

6 MONTHS!! Wow! She is such a cutie!! I love, love, love her huge smile! She is so precious! We need to get together some day. Maybe a park day next week??