Here's a picture of Landon at a week old
And Cody at like 3 1/2 weeks
I just wanted to compare. Check out the skin tone difference!!!
Today Landon was trying to play with Cody but was practically laying on him and squishing him! I did pull out the camera though to see what I'd get and Landon instantly perked up for the picture.
Look at this little chunker!!! He actually looks sorta funny.
He just looks so complacent. Oh, and since John started swaddling him tight tight, he's been sleeping 6-7 hours at night instead of 3-4!!! LOVING IT!!
So Landon is finally sleeping out of his crib. We need that crib soon for Cody! Here he is on his first night.
And then another night. We're still working on the sleeping IN bed part! Actually he's doing pretty well. Starting the second week!
And here are just some random pictures I think are cute.
I'll have to make sure Jessica sees how much Landon moves around in bed so maybe she'll cut me some slack. I have finally found someone that moves around more than me:)
cute.cute.cute. Your boys are getting so big!
Omigosh, Cody is such a handsome baby!! It must be so fun to have those two boys! : ) : )
Your boys are adorable. I'm glad John sent Devin your blog address so we can see how you guys are doing. Congrats on the little one sleeping so well already!
Cute pics!! We swaddled the boys forever and they loved it, it really helped with them sleeping. Im glad you are getting more sleep! Your boys are adorable!!
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